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Canasa Coupon & Patient Assistance Programs

Authored by Oto Idah, / Medically Reviewed by Dr. Conor Sheehy, PharmD, BCPS
Last Updated: June 6, 2024

Are you unable to afford your monthly Canasa prescription? We understand that affording Canasa can be a significant challenge, prompting you to search for a Canasa coupon or savings card in hopes of reducing the financial burden. Many people struggle to afford their medications due to insufficient insurance coverage or high deductibles. At The Rx Advocates, we understand the stress and difficulty of budgeting for essential medications like Canasa, and we care deeply about making such medications accessible to everyone. We’re committed to helping individuals find a sustainable solution.

While coupons and savings cards can be helpful resources, the patient assistance programs offered by pharmaceutical companies provide more substantial and reliable savings. Through our connections with patient assistance programs, we’ve helped many save significantly on their monthly medications, and we can likewise help you navigate these programs to get the support you need. Don’t let financial worry prevent you from accessing essential medications. Let us guide you toward more manageable prescription costs and a less stressful life. With The Rx Advocates on your side, you can take control of your health.

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Canasa Cost

(using The Rx Advocates)

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30-Day Supply

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Canasa Price

(estimated retail*)

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One Dose Pack

* Source:


Save on the cost of Canasa with a patient assistance program

How can The Rx Advocates help you secure Canasa savings? We at The Rx Advocates understand the financial burden that comes with managing chronic health conditions. As one of the nation’s leading patient advocacy programs, we offer a lifeline to those struggling with the high cost of prescription medications, including Canasa and many others. We partner with over 100 pharmaceutical manufacturers, helping you access a vast network of patient assistance programs designed to make prescription medications more manageable for your wallet. These programs provide access to over 800 FDA-approved medications, including Canasa and the other top 100 prescribed drugs in the US. Our expertise and national prominence underscore our commitment to making medications like Canasa more accessible and affordable to those in need.

Unlike coupons, insurance plans, or discount cards, which offer only temporary savings, patient assistance programs provide significant, long-term cost relief. However, the application process can be confusing. That’s where we come in. We specialize in navigating the complex world of patient assistance programs to create a stress-free experience for our clients. We’ll handle everything for you, from gathering the necessary paperwork to liaising with the appropriate programs on your behalf. No more dealing with complicated applications or wondering about the status of your request. Our team of experts is here to ensure you get approved for the savings you deserve. Our proficiency at handling the application process ensures that our clients secure the medications they require without having to manage the overwhelming bureaucracy associated with these programs.

How much does Canasa cost with The Rx Advocates?

We offer a transparent and straightforward pricing model. If approved for the Canasa patient assistance program, you’ll pay a fixed monthly service fee of $80. This fee covers everything we do to secure your medication at a reduced price. We also offer tiered pricing for those managing multiple medications. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • 1 Medication (Canasa only) – $80 per month
  • 2 Medications (Canasa + 1 other) – $90 per month
  • 3 Medications (Canasa + 2 others) – $100 per month
  • 4+ Medications – $110 per month

Our fees are upfront with no hidden charges, and they remain consistent regardless of Canasa’s fluctuating retail price. This approach allows us to offer an unparalleled solution to managing the cost of your prescription drugs. The Rx Advocates is dedicated to ensuring that individuals have access to all necessary medications. Please note that we are not a coupon, insurance plan, or savings card.

By choosing us, you gain more than savings on your medications; you gain a partner committed to supporting you throughout your healthcare journey. We’re here to make sure you have uninterrupted access to all your vital medications.

How much does Canasa cost?

As of April 2024, the average retail cost of Canasa is $1,370.00.

However, this price isn’t fixed. The out-of-pocket cost one pays for Canasa varies depending on several factors.

Prescribed dosage

The amount of medication prescribed by your doctor will directly affect the price you pay. Higher dosages typically cost more.

Patient’s location

Where you live can significantly impact the cash price of Canasa. Prices for medications vary across states and even within regions of the same state due to differences in cost of living, state taxes, and manufacturers’ regional pricing strategies.

Pharmacy’s location

Just as the cost of living varies across locations, so does medication pricing across pharmacies. This is due to factors like local pharmacy competition, average area income levels, and state regulations on drug pricing. Pharmacies may have different pricing structures and markup policies for Canasa. For example, independent pharmacies might offer different pricing than large chains, and some pharmacies may provide generic versions at lower prices. Factors like negotiated rates with wholesalers can also influence the price a pharmacy sets for Canasa. Using a pharmacy with a loyalty program or discount card might offer some savings; however, it’s always wise to compare prices across several pharmacies before filling a Canasa prescription.

Health insurance coverage

One of the most significant price-influencing factors is whether the patient has health insurance that covers prescriptions. Having health insurance with prescription drug coverage can significantly reduce the price one pays for Canasa, though deductibles, copays, and formulary tiers (lists of covered medications) vary across insurance plans. For example, if Canasa is placed in a higher formulary tier, the copay or coinsurance percentage may be higher.

Finding relief for the high cost of Canasa

Understanding the factors that influence the price of Canasa sheds light on the variance in patients’ out-of-pocket costs. These factors combine to determine the price one pays for Canasa, which can be daunting for many, driving them to explore available ways to save. This is where The Rx Advocates shines.

We’re dedicated to helping individuals eliminate high out-of-pocket costs to ensure their access to essential medications like Canasa. We can significantly alleviate the burden of high prescription prices, making your treatment journey manageable and affordable. Let us help you navigate patient assistance programs and explore all options for reducing the cost of Canasa. If approved, you can receive your essential medication for a fixed monthly fee, starting at just $80. Contact us to get started.


How much will it cost with The Rx Advocates?


How much will it cost with The Rx Advocates?

If approved, by the Canasa Patient Assistance Program, you’ll be charged a fixed monthly service fee. This fee varies depending on the number of medications you qualify for. For example:

1 Medication

$80 / Month

2 Medications

$90 / Month

3 Medications

$100 / Month

4 Medications

$110 / Month

1 Medication

$80 / Month

2 Medications

$90 / Month

3 Medications

$100 / Month

4 Medications

$110 / Month

NOTE: In addition to our monthly service fee, we charge a one-time enrollment fee of $35. Our service is month-to-month, so if you’re not happy with it, you may cancel at any time.

Do I qualify for the Canasa patient assistance program?

To qualify for services with The Rx Advocates and potentially gain significant savings on Canasa, you must meet certain eligibility criteria designed to ensure that our program reaches those who need it most. Here’s a brief overview:
  • Individuals may qualify if they earn up to $40,000 annually
  • Couples may qualify if their combined annual income is up to $60,000
  • Larger families may qualify if they earn up to $100,000 annually
It’s important to note that guidelines vary from program to program, depending on the specific medication and the pharmaceutical company offering the assistance. The best way to determine your eligibility for Canasa patient assistance is to contact us directly. Our team can evaluate your specific situation and provide personalized assistance to guide you through the process. We can help you access the resources to make your medication more affordable and ensure you have uninterrupted access to Canasa.

Limitations of Canasa coupons

Are there any disadvantages to using a Canasa coupon? Canasa coupons may seem like an effective way to reduce costs; however, there are several factors that limit their effectiveness.

Eligibility criteria and other restrictions

Many Canasa coupons come with stringent eligibility requirements, restricting use to specific groups, such as new patients or those without government insurance. This means that if you’re on Medicare or Medicaid or have used a Canasa coupon in the past, you might not qualify. Also, Canasa coupons may be valid only at certain pharmacies, potentially limiting your options and convenience. You must check the terms to ensure a coupon is valid at your preferred pharmacy before filling your prescription.

One-time use

A significant limitation of coupons is their often one-time application. Many coupons are single-use, providing a discount on only the first fill. So, while you might save on an initial prescription,  you’ll be charged the full price for refills, impacting your long-term budget.

Insurance exclusions

Even with a coupon, your medication may remain expensive, especially if your insurance coverage is limited. This is because coupons typically offer a fixed discount, so depending on the original cost of Canasa, the balance may remain high. Moreover, some insurance plans have policies or use copay accumulator programs that do not allow a Canasa coupon to apply toward a deductible or out-of-pocket maximum. In such cases, patients might pay less upfront, but their overall yearly cost will be unaffected. It’s crucial to understand how your specific insurance plan handles coupons to avoid any financial surprises.

Temporary relief

A free coupon usually offers a discount for a limited period and typically has an expiration date. Once expired, coupons lose all value. Keeping track of expiration dates can be frustrating for those requiring long-term medication, requiring them to set reminders and schedule pharmacy orders to avoid missing out on savings. For medications like Canasa, which are often part of a long-term treatment plan, the temporary nature of coupons does little to alleviate the ongoing burden of prescription costs.

Patient assistance programs: A more sustainable solution

While Canasa coupons can offer immediate cost reductions, they come with limitations that preclude the long-term relief many patients require. Understanding these constraints is crucial for patients relying on Canasa for ongoing treatment. In contrast, patient assistance programs offer a substantial, reliable, and sustainable way to manage medication expenses. The Rx Advocates excels at connecting patients with these programs, offering a pathway to consistent and significant savings on medications like Canasa. Our expertise ensures that eligible patients effectively navigate program applications to access necessary treatments without the worry of fluctuating costs or temporary discounts. Let us help you explore options, determine your eligibility, gather the necessary paperwork, and connect with the programs that best suit your needs so you can focus on managing your health without worrying about medication costs.

What is Canasa used for?

Canasa (generic name and active ingredient mesalamine) is a rectal suppository primarily used to treat the symptoms of ulcerative proctitis, a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation and ulcers in the rectum, the lower portion of the large intestine. Ulcerative proctitis is a mild form of ulcerative colitis, a chronic condition characterized by inflammation in the colon. The primary symptom of ulcerative proctitis is rectal bleeding, which is often accompanied by urgency, pain, frequent bowel movement, and mucus discharge during bowel movements.

Mechanism of action

As a localized treatment, Canasa works directly where the inflammation occurs, unlike oral medications that must navigate the digestive system before reaching the affected area. This ensures higher concentrations of the medication where it’s most needed. The active ingredient, mesalamine, is released directly into the rectum, where it reduces inflammation and alleviates pain and rectal bleeding. The exact mechanism is not fully understood, but it’s believed to involve suppressing the production of inflammatory chemicals released by the body’s immune system.

Because Canasa acts locally in the rectum, its impact on other parts of the digestive system is minimal. This local action distinguishes it from systemic medications that affect the entire body, not only enhancing its effectiveness but also minimizing systemic absorption, which reduces the potential for adverse effects.

Off-label/secondary use

While Canasa is primarily used to treat ulcerative proctitis, it may also be prescribed off-label for other types of inflammatory bowel disease that include rectal inflammation. For example, it is prescribed for proctosigmoiditis, a condition affecting both the rectum and the sigmoid colon (i.e., the lower part of the colon). Doctors may also prescribe Canasa off-label for conditions such as hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Available forms and dosage

Canasa is mainly available as 1,000 mg suppositories. Typically, a Canasa rectal suppository is inserted once daily at bedtime. Its suppository form allows for easy, direct application, offering patients a convenient treatment option.

Adverse effects and interactions

As with any medication, Canasa can cause side effects. Some common ones include dizziness, burning or itching at the application site, discoloration of feces, abnormal discharge from rectum, headache, nausea, and abdominal discomfort, although these are generally mild and transient. In rare instances, more serious adverse effects can occur, such as rectal pain, severe allergic reactions (e.g., rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing), serious skin reaction, swollen eyes, or signs of kidney problems (e.g., changes in urination). Some individuals may also develop acute intolerance syndrome, a sign that their bodies are unable to tolerate Canasa. However, this is uncommon. If you experience any concerning side effects, it’s important to stop using Canasa and consult your doctor immediately.

Before starting Canasa, inform your doctor of all other substances you take, including over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Canasa can interact with certain drugs, potentially affecting their effectiveness or increasing the risk of negative effects. Other medications that may interact with Canasa include those that affect kidney function or blood clotting. Your healthcare provider can advise you on potential interactions and ensure Canasa is safe for you to take in combination with your other medications.


Understanding how Canasa works as well as its intended uses, potential side effects, and possible drug interactions, is crucial for its safe and effective use in treating rectal inflammation. Such knowledge ensures that patients can make informed decisions about their health care. To ensure Canasa is the right medication for you and minimize adverse effects, discuss any questions or concerns you have with your doctor before beginning Canasa treatment.
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