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Prolensa Coupon & Patient Assistance Programs

Authored by Oto Idah, / Medically Reviewed by Dr. Conor Sheehy, PharmD, BCPS
Last Updated: June 16, 2024

Are you looking for ways to maximize your Prolensa prescription savings? You’re not alone! Many Americans count on this medication to reduce inflammation and pain after cataract surgery, but covering the full Prolensa cost each month can be daunting without the help of insurance coverage, a Prolensa coupon, savings, copay card, or a patient assistance program offered by Bausch & Lomb. At The Rx Advocates, we understand and are committed to helping as many eligible patients as possible access their essential medications at affordable prices. Because we believe that no one should have to sacrifice other values to maintain their health, we help our clients save money on essential medications by guiding them through the process of accessing and applying to patient assistance programs, making the journey simple and stress free.

Our mission at The Rx Advocates is to make prescription drugs more affordable and accessible. To do this, we specialize in connecting eligible patients with patient assistance programs provided by pharmaceutical companies, which are a more consistent and substantial solution than a coupon program. These programs can help anyone struggling to afford their monthly prescription drugs, including those who have Medicare prescription drug insurance or defense health coverage, those who receive help from the Veterans Administration, and those who have reached their insurance reimbursement limits. Our service can potentially save you hundreds or thousands of dollars. Many individuals are unaware of the assistance programs we connect our clients to or find the application process complex and time-consuming. We simplify the process, ensuring that you can benefit from the significant savings these programs offer. Your journey to affordable and consistent access to Prolensa starts here.

The Rx Advocates logo w text alt 5

Prolensa Cost

(using The Rx Advocates)

Dollar sign logo

30-Day Supply

Goodrx logo

Prolensa Price

(estimated retail*)

Dollar sign logo

One Dose Pack

* Source:


Let patient assistance programs lessen the financial burden of Prolensa

How can The Rx Advocates assist with the cost of Prolensa? The Rx Advocates is a nationally recognized patient advocacy group. Currently working with more than 100 US-based pharmaceutical manufacturers, we help eligible patients achieve great prescription savings through their patient assistance programs. We have helped patients save money on more than 800 FDA-approved medicines. Do you want to learn more about how The Rx Advocates can help you save money? We want to help! We can check your eligibility and start you on our program right away. Please contact us for assistance.

The Rx Advocates does not provide health insurance, a coupon program, or prescription coverage. Our goal is to help financially struggling individuals get the medicine they need at lower cost, and our clients find that working with us significantly reduces their monthly medication budget. At The Rx Advocates, we understand how difficult and stressful paying for medications can be, especially when trying to fit high-priced prescriptions into an already tight budget. We’re here to help. Though many people are unaware of how patient assistance programs work, we are proficient at navigating them. We will manage the entire application process for you, working closely with both you and your healthcare providers to prepare and submit all required documents. Our regular follow-ups then ensure that applications are received and appropriately processed, maximizing your chances of approval.

How much does Prolensa cost with The Rx Advocates?

Let’s discuss our transparent pricing. We offer a straightforward monthly fee structure to help our clients effectively manage the cost of Prolensa. For Prolensa alone, the fixed cost is $80 per month, and if you need assistance with multiple medications, our pricing remains clear:

  • 1 Medication (Prolensa only) – $80 per month
  • 2 Medications (Prolensa + 1 other) – $90 per month
  • 3 Medications (Prolensa + 2 others) – $100 per month
  • 4+ Medications – $110 per month

Importantly, our pricing remains unchanged, even if the retail cost of your medication fluctuates. There are no additional costs or hidden fees, ensuring financial predictability for our clients. What truly differentiates us is our pivotal role in facilitating access to patient assistance programs, which offer long-term affordability. We invite you to reach out and explore how The Rx Advocates can be your ally in managing the cost of Prolensa. We provide consistent support to ensure you never compromise your health due to financial constraints.

How much does Prolensa cost?

As of April 2024, the average retail cost of Prolensa is $424.00.

The cash price of this drug varies, however, based on several factors that you must consider when seeking to maximize prescription savings.


The dosage prescribed by your doctor plays a pivotal role in determining the cost of Prolensa. As higher dosages typically cost more, the severity of your condition and the specific dosage recommended for its treatment will influence the price you pay.

Patient’s location

Your geographical location also affects drug prices. Different regions have distinct pricing structures and healthcare systems, impacting the cost of Prolensa.

Pharmacy’s location

The location of the pharmacy where you choose to fill your prescription also influences cost. Pharmacies in different areas may have different overhead expenses and pricing strategies that contribute to fluctuations in the cost of Prolensa.

Health insurance plan

Whether or not you have health insurance that covers prescriptions is another crucial determinant of what you will pay for a drug. Insured individuals often face significantly reduced out-of-pocket costs, making Prolensa more financially manageable. Those without adequate prescription coverage, however, often face a more substantial financial burden.

Lowering the cost of Prolensa

At The Rx Advocates, we recognize the challenges individuals face in affording crucial medications like Prolensa, and we aim to provide a solution that eliminates high out-of-pocket costs. We specialize in connecting patients to the patient assistance programs offered by pharmaceutical companies, helping them navigate through their complexities. In this way, we make Prolensa and other necessary medications more affordable and accessible, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder access to vital treatments.

If you find it challenging to cover the cost of Prolensa, consider The Rx Advocates as your partner in finding a more affordable path to this prescription medication. If approved, you can access Prolensa for a fixed monthly fee, starting at just $80. Contact us to get started.


How much will it cost with The Rx Advocates?


How much will it cost with The Rx Advocates?

If approved, by the Prolensa Patient Assistance Program, you’ll be charged a fixed monthly service fee. This fee varies depending on the number of medications you qualify for. For example:

1 Medication

$80 / Month

2 Medications

$90 / Month

3 Medications

$100 / Month

4 Medications

$110 / Month

1 Medication

$80 / Month

2 Medications

$90 / Month

3 Medications

$100 / Month

4 Medications

$110 / Month

NOTE: In addition to our monthly service fee, we charge a one-time enrollment fee of $35. Our service is month-to-month, so if you’re not happy with it, you may cancel at any time.

Am I qualified for the Prolensa patient assistance program?

Eligibility criteria vary across patient assistance programs. To qualify for services with The Rx Advocates, however, a patient must meet certain eligibility criteria that are set to ensure our assistance reaches those who need it most. These criteria are designed to include a wide range of individuals and families. Here are the general guidelines:
  • An annual income below $40,000 for an individual
  • An annual income below $60,000 for a couple
  • An annual income below $100,000 for a larger family
At The Rx Advocates, however, we understand that each person’s situation is unique, and we aim to offer a pathway to affordable and accessible healthcare to as many eligible patients as possible. If you have questions about whether you qualify or want assistance navigating the various program eligibility criteria, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated team is here to evaluate your specific situation and offer personalized guidance and support. The Rx Advocates is committed to positively impacting your journey to obtaining essential medications, including Prolensa, without the heavy burden of high out-of-pocket costs.

Are there disadvantages to using a Prolensa coupon?

Are there disadvantages to using a Prolensa coupon? Prolensa coupons can be helpful in reducing the cost of medication, but several terms, conditions, and limitations apply.

Copay accumulators

Some insurance plans employ copay accumulators, which restrict a coupon’s prescription coverage, and others do not accept coupons at all. If a coupon cannot count toward your insurance’s out-of-pocket maximum, for example, you may end up paying full price. Patients should thus check with their insurance provider to ensure that they qualify for a coupon program before relying on it to reduce the cost of their medication.

Limited coverage

The savings offered by coupons make little difference when the medication is expensive, and insurance may not cover the balance, leaving you with a high out-of-pocket cost.

Expiration dates

Coupons are time limited and may expire before a patient has the chance to use them. Once expired, they become ineffective, offering no potential savings.

Other restrictions

Some coupons restrict who can use them, where they can be used, or how many times they can be used, making it difficult for patients to rely on them as a long-term solution for managing the cost of their medication. After applying a coupon to a certain quantity or number of refills, patients may be responsible for all additional costs.

An alternative to Prolensa coupons

While Prolensa coupons can provide immediate relief, patient assistance programs offer more sustainable savings. The Rx Advocates specializes in helping eligible patients apply to and qualify for these programs, ensuring that financial constraints don’t hinder their access to vital medications like Prolensa. If you’re seeking a more comprehensive and enduring solution to high prescription costs, consider partnering with us. We’ll help you navigate the complex landscape of patient assistance programs.

What is Prolensa used for?

Prolensa (bromfenac ophthalmic solution) 0.07% is a medication primarily employed to treat inflammation and pain following cataract surgery. This ophthalmic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) plays a crucial role in managing postoperative ocular conditions, providing relief from discomfort and reducing inflammation in the eye. Approved by the FDA in 2013, brand-name Prolensa is packaged and distributed by Bausch & Lomb Incorporated. The FDA recently gave approval to Perrigo Company to market its therapeutically equivalent generic product.

Mechanism of action

Prolensa has a unique mechanism of action. As an NSAID, it operates by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, which are pivotal contributors to the inflammatory response. By mitigating the presence of these molecules, Prolensa effectively curtails inflammation and its associated eye pain, fostering a smoother recovery process following cataract surgery.

Off-label/secondary use

While Prolensa is primarily prescribed after cataract surgery, its efficacy has led to the exploration of potential secondary uses and off-label applications. Researchers and healthcare professionals are investigating its utility in managing other ocular conditions characterized by inflammation and discomfort.

Available forms and dosage

Prolensa is typically available as an ophthalmic solution in 1.6 and 3 mL fill sizes, making it convenient for direct application to the affected eye. Dosages are carefully calibrated to ensure optimal therapeutic effects while minimizing the risk of adverse reactions. It is essential that patients adhere strictly to their prescribed dosage and the administration guidelines provided by their healthcare provider.

Adverse effects and interactions

As with any medication, Prolensa is not without potential side effects and interactions. The most common include eye irritation, increased tearing, and blurred vision. Notably, individuals with a history of hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to NSAIDs are advised to exercise caution.


Understanding Prolensa, from its mechanism of action to potential side effects, is paramount for both patients and healthcare providers. Such comprehensive knowledge ensures that the medication is used judiciously to optimize therapeutic benefits while minimizing risks. If you are prescribed Prolensa, consult with your healthcare professional to gain a thorough understanding of its applications, potential side effects, and any specific considerations related to your medical history.
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